Hello Fellow Tripawds :D

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Hello Fellow three leggers

Here are just a few pics from my first few days out of surgery.Its been a tough few days , but with the help of my human family and some freshly cooked chicken , I am recovering nicely and hopping down the road to hapawness. My painkillers have been cut down and i no longer rattle when i hop xD.

Just came home from the vets , stuffed with treats from the kind humans
Just came home from the vets , stuffed with treats from the kind humans
Second day out of the Vets , My human mother and sister slept downstairs with me and cuddled me lots
Second day out of the Vets , My human mother and sister slept downstairs with me and cuddled me lots
Cuddles from my human pup
Cuddles from my human pup
The morning of the third day , cuddles with mummy by the couch
The morning of the third day , cuddles with mummy by the couch
My sisters giving my cuddles after eating my yummy first pancake
My sisters giving my cuddles after eating my yummy first pancake
First time going outside by choice with no help !!
First time going outside by choice with no help !!
I didnt really eat it , more like breathed it in , It was gone so quick mummy barely took this picture
I didnt really eat it , more like breathed it in , It was gone so quick mummy barely took this picture